



Bojszowy is a rural commune bordering with the Lesser Poland Province, neighbouring with Tychy, Bieruń, Kobiór, and Oświęcim, which is already administratively located in the Lesser Poland Province.

The area of 34.07 square kilometres is inhabited by 7,612 people. Bojszowy, located in the historical Pszczyna Land, belongs to the oldest settlements in Upper Silesia.

The commune attracts numerous "two-wheelers" enthusiasts. In Bojszowy, a stretch of the Vistula Bicycle Route is located, which ultimately is planned to run across the entire country and link the mountains with the sea.

The commune is quiet, peaceful and well cared for, which makes it a magnificent destination for rest and long walks. Greenery dominates all over the area and the nearby forests are well-kept.

W gminie Bojszowy swoje dzieła rzeźbił Franciszek Ścierski. Najbardziej znanym dziełem artysty jest ruchoma stajenka w Parafii Narodzenia św. Jana Chrzciciela w Bojszowach.

Józef Kłyk also has his roots here. Author of Silesian westerns, including the film trilogy "Szlakiem bezprawia" and "Bracia", whose stories unfold during the Silesian Uprisings. Józef Kłyk is considered to be a precursor of fan films in Poland, i.e. film productions created by fans, most often film enthusiasts.

The most characteristic landmark of the Bojszowy commune is the Church of St. John the Baptist.


 Artykuły archiwalne

Bojszowy, Inhabitants
Przekazanie samochodu OSP Bojszowy

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Informacja wójta gminy Bojszowy

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