Ruda Śląska

Ruda Śląska


  Ruda Śląska

Ruda Śląska is an important landmark on the map of enthusiasts of industrial facilities and its surroundings. The 40-metre-long blast furnace of the Steelworks Pokój is a real eye-catcher. The Kaufhaus workers’ housing estate is located in its surroundings. It is a historic housing estate, a row of characteristic buildings located along the curve of Niedurnego Street. It was built in 1840 for the steelworks employees. In Upper Silesia, these are the so-called familoks. They are two storeys high and have a gable roof. The name of the housing estate originates from the department store that was built there and was a then phenomenon in Europe. It used to be a central point of the life of the residents, the department store had a space for trading and a slaughterhouse.

Ruda Śląska is an important landmark on the map of enthusiasts of industrial facilities and its surroundings. The 40-metre-long blast furnace of the Steelworks Pokój is a real eye-catcher. The Kaufhaus workers’ housing estate is located in its surroundings. It is a historic housing estate, a row of characteristic buildings located along the curve of Niedurnego Street. It was built in 1840 for the steelworks employees. In Upper Silesia, these are the so-called familoks. They are two storeys high and have a gable roof. The name of the housing estate originates from the department store that was built there and was a then phenomenon in Europe. It used to be a central point of the life of the residents, the department store had a space for trading and a slaughterhouse.

Although industrial in character, Ruda Śląska is one of the greenest cities in Upper Silesia. 21 percent of the city’s area is covered by woodland. The uniqueness and complexity of Ruda’s wildlife is reflected in the water reservoirs, rivers, floodplains, numerous green areas, planted area designated for strolling and parks.

Ruda Śląska was awarded by Google with the title of “E-city in Poland”. As a result, it was ranked among 10 Polish cities with the fastest developing on-line presence and activity. This is all thanks to small and medium enterprises, which have been dynamically operating on-line for years and running their business in Ruda Śląska. It involves web management and effective implementation of online advertising campaigns. In addition to Ruda Śląska, in the Silesian Province Google awarded Zabrze and Siemianowice Śląskie.

Ruda Śląska can boast numerous interesting architectural gems. This includes, among others, the railway station in Chebzie, which was built in the 19th century and became the seat of the “Bezpański Theatre” thanks to the involvement of social activists. The city is full of historical workers’ housing estates, churches and mining industry sites.

Polish female athlete Zuzanna Radecka comes from the city and she won a bronze medal at the European Championships in Munich in 2002. Dariusz Gnatowski, a renowned Polish film, theatre and dubbing actor, was born here.

The most characteristic landmark of Ruda Śląska is the blast furnace of the Steelworks Pokój.


 Artykuły archiwalne

Ruda Śląska
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