



Chorzów is a city at the very heart of the Metropolis GZM, where the area of 33.5 square kilometres is inhabited by approximately 100,000 people. Here, in the late eighteenth century, large-scale coal mining industry used to flourish, later the city of Królewska Huta (Royal Steelworks) was founded, with a modern ironworks. Large industrial plants still operate in Chorzów today.

Although the symbols of Chorzów are metal and coal, it is here that the Europe's biggest city park is located. The Silesia Park with the Silesian Planetarium, ZOO, Amusement Park or Heritage Park stretches across 535 hectares. It is nearly 200 hectares bigger than the world famous Central Park in New York City. In the Silesia Park, there is the Poland's unique cable railway Elka that operates between the Silesian Stadium and the Legendia - Silesian Amusement Park. Annually, these attractions are visited by more than 3 million people.

In Chorzów, in the Silesia Park, the legendary Silesian Stadium is located, commonly called the Witches' Cauldron. The nickname was given by British journalists, who praised the facility after the football game Poland vs. England in 1973. It was then, the only time in history, that the Poles defeated the English. The Silesian Stadium was renovated and gained an additional function of an athletic stadium. Interestingly enough, the facility is the largest athletic stadium in Poland, and historically, right after its opening, it was the largest facility of its kind in the country. Many of the football matches, speedway competitions and music events held there have went down in history.

An interesting Chorzów monument is the Prezydent Shaft winding tower. Soon after it was built, it was one of the most modern towers in Europe. Today the mine is closed and the facility hosts a number of interesting cultural events. The Prezydent Shaft is also one of the objects located on the Industrial Monuments Route. 32 metres above the ground, under the tower's winding wheels, a vantage point is located. In order to get up there, you have to climb 200 stairs.

Gerard Cieślik, one of the best football players in the history of Polish football, was born in Chorzów. It was him who became famous for scoring two goals against the Soviet Union at the Silesian Stadium. A long-standing frontman of Dżem band was born and died in the city.

The most characteristic building in Będzin is the Castle.


 Artykuły archiwalne

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  Currently in the Metropolis