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Chełm Śląski


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  Chełm Śląski

Chełm Śląski is a rural commune situated in the Bieruń-Lędziny County, with an area of 23.22 square kilometres and a population of 6,000. Its highest elevation is the Chelmska Mountain, called Smutna Góra (Sad Mountain), which rises 284 metres above sea level. From Smutna Góra, you can admire the panoramic view of the Przemsza Valley.

Chełm Śląski is a perfect destination for the enthusiasts of hiking and biking. In the commune, in the settlement of Błędów, there is also a special area of protection of Natura 2000 habitats. It is a post-mining sinkhole, with developed transitional bog characterised by reed vegetation and marshy forests. It is nothing but a paradise for all dragonfly lovers. Here we can encounter the strictly protected species of large white-faced darter and the smallest in Poland pygmy damselfly, which was entered into the Red List of Threatened Species.

Interesting and worth seeing landmarks in Chełm Śląski also include the park complex in Kopciowice, the parish church of the Holy Trinity and the manor complex in Kopciowice, consisting of a manor house, granary, cowshed and barn. Also worth mentioning are the roadside crosses: the one located next to the road to the Gamrot settlement, the other at a former cholera cemetery on Smutna Góra and the third one at Chelmska Street.

One of the most characteristic landmarks of Chełm Śląski is the Holy Trinity Church.


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