A metropolitan association can create organizational units through which it carries out its statutory tasks. Pursuant to the Act, it may also create special purpose vehicles and hold shares in companies conducting business activity which does not go beyond the scope of public utility.
The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM)is Metropolis GZM’s organizational unit. Its task is the day-to-day management of public transport in GZM. Nearly 1,700 vehicles drive under its banner, with 7000 stops, and covering over 100 million km a year!
ZTM is also responsible for the sale of tickets, contact with passengers, quality control of services performed, ticket control, preparation of proposals for changes in timetables and connection network, and conducting tenders related to the operation of individual public transport lines.
ZTM was established on 1 January 2018 and was preparing for the process of integration of three existing public transport organizers who operated in the Metropolis. These were the Communal Transport Association of Upper Silesia Industrial Region (KZK GOP), Intercommune Public Transport Association in Tarnowskie Góry (MZKP) and the Municipal Transport Management Board in Tychy (MZK Tychy). Formally, the implementation of its tasks began a year later – on 1 January 2019, when the task related to the organization of public transport was transferred to the Metropolis by the cities and communes that make it up.
Z chwilą gdy Metropolia stała się organizatorem transportu publicznego, uzyskała również 100 proc. udziałów w Przedsiębiorstwie Komunikacji Metropolitalnej Sp. z o.o. w Świerklańcu.