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Rudziniec is a commune located in the Gliwice county, with an area of 160.4 square kilometres, inhabited by approximately 10 thousand people. In the last days of the Third Silesian Uprising, the headquarters of the insurgent army was located here.

The commune enjoys excellent conditions for the development of tourism and recreation. 41.4 percent of its area is covered by woodland, there are three water reservoirs, a small and large reservoir Pławniowice and Dzierżno Duże reservoir.

The close proximity of big cities fosters the development of agrotourism. Rudziniec is located in the vicinity of, among others, Tarnowskie Góry, Gliwice and Zabrze.

In Rudziniec, a historic wooden church of St. Michael the Archangel with a baroque interior is located. Also worth visiting is the Cross in front of the church, which is a monument in memory of Rudziniec’s inhabitants who died and were missing during the First World War.

One of the most recognizable landmarks in Rudziniec is the Gliwice Canal that connects the Upper Silesia cities with the Oder River. Today it is one of the most interesting tourist attractions in the Metropolis. On weekends, you can set sail here on a 6km long cruise that takes just over an hour.


 Artykuły archiwalne

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