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Psary is a rural commune in the Będzin county inhabited by approximately 12 thousand people and covering the area of 46 square kilometres. The commune is adjacent to Będzin, Bobrowniki, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Mierzęcice and Wojkowice. One of the biggest assets of the commune is the age of its inhabitants. Almost 35% of them are people under 25 years of age.

In the past, ore mining used to flourish in the region of Góra Siewierska. Iron ore was mined here in five iron ore mines located in the municipality. In the area of the commune, limestone also used to be mined.

Psary can boast one of the highest elevated hills in the Metropolis GZM. Their rise above the region for up to 400 metres above sea level. If the weather conditions are favourable, you can admire the panorama of the several dozen kilometres distant mountain ranges, i.e.: Beskid Mountains and Tatra Mountains.

For years, Psary has been focusing on sport. There are 9 sports clubs and associations operating in the commune. Six football stadiums and seven modern, universally accessible multifunctional sports fields were built here.

A characteristic landmark of Psary are the Psary hills.


 Artykuły archiwalne

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