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Bytom is one of the oldest cities in the historic Upper Silesia, which is located in the very centre of the Metropolis GZM. From here, in the second half of the 1930s, you could get to Berlin in less than five hours by train. Today in Bytom, the area of 69.44 square kilometres is inhabited by 150,000 people.

In the past, there used to be 7 large coal mines and 2 ironworks in the city. One can boldly admit that it was the heavy industry that shaped the city and gave it its specific character.

Bytom is among the top ten greenest cities in Silesia. Green areas in the city account for as much as 20 percent of its area. This includes not only forests, but lovely squares and parks as well. Three of the twelve parks are historic monuments. These are: the Franciszek Kachl Municipal Park, Fazaniec in Szombierki and the Park Ludowy (People's Park) in Bytom-Miechowice. Apart from parks, Bytom can also boast Miechowice Forest Stand, Żabie Doły nature and landscape protected area, Nature Reserve "Segiet", and Rock Labyrinth in Sucha Góra. In between Bytom and Tarnowskie Góry, in the post-mining sidewalks and tunnels, the Poland's largest bat wintering site is located.

Very few people know that it was in Bytom that the world's fastest 8051 family industrial processor was designed. It was first introduced in 2011. It is more than 75 times faster and 70 percent more efficient than the fastest processors available on the market.

Also in Bytom, there is the world's oldest, continuously operating Narrow-Gauge Railway. Poland's shortest tram line, on the other hand, runs along the Piekarska Street. The line is only 1,340 metres long and has 5 stops. Tram line 38 is operated by the Europe's oldest car with a regular timetable.

Bytom is famous for its stunning architecture and beautiful buildings. Particularly noteworthy is the Upper Silesian Museum that can boast over a hundred years of history. For years, the Museum has been collecting and providing visitors with natural, ethnographic and archaeological exhibits, historical documents and high-value works of art. It is one of the major landmarks on the map of Polish museums, distinguished by its regional, unique Silesian character.

The neo-classical Silesian Opera, the historic Church of St. Jack and the Szombierki Power Plant, which is located on the Industrial Monuments Route of the Silesian Province, deserve equal recognition and attention. Yet another characteristic landmark of the city of Bytom is the Krystyna Shaft. It is one of the city's symbols and a signpost, as the 57-metre high tower can be seen from numerous locations in the city.

Many people living in the Silesian Province associate Bytom with sport. This is due to, among others, the Polonia Bytom football club operating since 1920 and the Polonia Bytom Hockey Friends Society, one of the most successful Polish hockey clubs. The city is also proud of its judokas, who win the world's highest trophies. Their achievements include medals of the Poland Championships, Europe Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games. Today, Czarni Bytom is among the best and strongest judo clubs in Poland.

W bytomskich Dolomitach padł pierwszy klaps do serialu „Wiedźmin”. W Bytomiu urodził się Mariusz Kałamaga, jeden z najbardziej znanych polskich artystów kabaretowych.

Very few people know that it was in Bytom that the world's fastest 8051 family industrial processor was designed. It was first introduced in 2011. It is more than 75 times faster and 70 percent more efficient than the fastest processors available on the market.

The Szombierki Combined Heat and Power Plant is one of the most characteristic facilities in Bytom.


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