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Siewierz is a town located in the Będzin county, with an area of 114 square kilometres and a population of approximately 12 thousand people. Its name derives from the now non-existent in Polish language noun “siewior”, which meant “north”. It is the northeasternmost commune of the Metropolis GZM.

It is known as a commercial centre. For centuries, the Bohaterów Street has been the venue of regionally renowned trade fairs. The town marketplace, despite its small size, offers virtually everything you can and may want to buy.

In Siewierz, one of the oldest temples in Poland is situated, i.e. the Romanesque church of St. John the Baptist built in the 12th century. Many inhabitants of the Metropolis GZM associate the town with the ruins of the castle of Kraków bishops. It is the main attraction of Siewierz. In the summertime, the courtyard and the tower are open to the public free of charge.

Seven delicacies from Siewierz have been added to the List of registered traditional dishes by the Ministry of Agriculture and Development. These include Siewierz sour soup, roasted goose and Siewierz lingonberry.

The town is very popular among tourists due to the ruins of the castle, caves and hiking and cycling trails.

One of the most characteristic landmarks in Siewierz is the Castle.


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  Currently in the Metropolis

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